
Slave of Technology

By: PeaceKeeper These days I wonder are we getting stuck into the claws of technological evolution or we as humans are being advanced on technological grounds? Whatever the truth is one thing cannot be denied and that is the dependence of our daily life on technology ... Are we not less energetic and active as we used to be in early 1990's? Yes we are being lethargic and this will continue to grow if we do not stop relying on technology for our everyday tasks esp. which could easily be done by ourselves (I mean by our hands). I do not consider myself to be anti-technology, instead I being a human do think of the consequences in the near future. The effects of over excessive usage of technology on our children especially those who are being born into the cradle of overburdened technological world. We should get advantage of technology but not at the cost of future of our children.Our forefathers and elders have always been healthy and active as compared to our generation and upcomi