Terrorism.... not a Psychological Disorder

By: Peace Keeper

Violence has no religion or race

Whether we call it divine intervention, an extreme reaction to previous actions or simply an incident; nothing matters more at this stage than seriously addressing the issue and to indulge in head to head deliberations to counter extremism, terrorism and such other phenomenons. This phenomenon is no longer attributed to a certain location, race and/or religion. In fact, the increase in extremist behaviors and resultantly violent incidents is apparent in so-called developed western cultures/states. This menace is swallowing world peace and progress gradually but steadily. The famous handful of motives behind terrorism are no longer the only motives as described in the brief definition of terrorism.
The self-created so-called menace of Islamophobia is being proven to be a bubble that has been burst on the faces of modern civilized cultures. It is no longer an issue that relates to Islam or any specific race or region, it has never been so. The relevance and authenticity that has been connected with terrorism by superpowers of the world has always been miscalculated from the beginning. For example; the invasion and consequent suppression of citizens of Afghanistan, Kashmir Palestine, Iraq and Syria etc by US, India and other such forces played the role of the catalyst in having extreme reactions from within these societies, which advertently or inadvertently covered by calling such reactions an act of terrorism. whereas when some individual/group goes out in the street, market etc and willingly kills severals of innocent civilians the incident named as an act of violence due to psychological disorders most of the times, especially when such act attempted by non-muslim.
The overall definition of terrorism needs to be reviewed and altered, where necessary. This confusion of differentiating between terrorism and a physiological act of violence seems to be created with partial will if not to full extent. It seems that such confusion gives an edge to certain state policies and their successful implementation as and when required.
Sane minds have been notifying such adventurism as a failed policy of all stakeholders. Today's multi-polar world is a global village with access to information beyond imagination, thus any misadventure or foul play will lead to a disaster with a domino effect.

Christchurch massacre
Recent terrorist attacks on two of the mosques in Christ Church(Mosque Al Noor & Linwood), New Zealand which resulted in deaths of more than 49 Muslims and several injured, is an act of pure terrorism, cowardice and racism. The terrorist Brenton Tarrant who is an Australian national and a white extreme nationalist who believes in so-called white supremacy, not only killed innocent mosque goers by shooting them with his automatic rifle but ruthlessly filmed and aired live the entire brutality and massacre on social media. The notion of white supremacy is very well discarded on its own since the so-called white supremacist is not able to control his extreme hatred and brutality against dark skins. Because supreme individuals do not suppress instead they rule with dignity. Had the terrorist Brenton was a true white supremacist he would have confronted his victims by setting an example of him as a more successful and decent individual of the society, but unfortunately, he was a weak extremist a ruthless terrorist who could not gather the courage to prove his supremacy by any other means instead of killing innocent people.
A combined condemnation of this and any other such terrorist acts by the whole world is a necessity of the time. As mentioned earlier a reviewed definition and classification of terrorism/extremism must be done with the consensus of international comity. Disbandment of all and every such organization which spread hatred and extremism irrespective of their locations, regions or patronage should be done on priority basis.
It is understandable that such incidents will not vanish in an instant, however, a common international narrative against such acts would define the common definition and different levels of terrorism and will discourage every aspect of such act.
No wonder Brenton could have been played by some cunning organization/group in order to achieve their filthy goal, especially against the Muslim community. This incident is not a simple act of terrorism/violence by the individual as it may seem, it could be a larger conspiracy with nefarious agendas. Therefore a combined effort by the international comity is required with seriousness and sincerity with every stakeholder involved. If such incidents get shelved it may trigger many more such incidents in the future, God forbid!


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