Security Companies...

By: Peace Keeper

Ever since the global challenges against terrorism have increased dramatically there has been a rapid growth of private security companies around the world. The purpose of these companies is obviously making profit, but the mission is to create secure environment for their clients who are mostly expatriates, multi national companies etc residing temporarily/permanent or for fixed term in the countries of security providers.
At initial phases there were no proper checks and policies set for the incorporation of such security companies especially in South Asian countries i.e. India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc. But with the passage of time and ever increasing level of threats in such countries the governments took initiatives to regulate any such security company.

These companies provides various services such as; Physical Security, Technical Security, Security Consultancy, IT Security etc. Highly trained professionals mostly former military, police other law enforcement personnel perform duties for these security companies or few even own them.
Never thought of the day when security could become the lucrative business, what do you think??

I do not know about others but I personally pray for the day when we no longer need services of security companies,,, in other words I wish every part of the world may become peaceful and safe to roam without having security personnel around us watching our backs for any incoming threat whatsoever. These security companies also uses advanced gadgets to make the environment more secure, these gadgets may include high resolution IP, CCTV, Tracking Devices, Hydraulic Road Blockers, motor powered gates etc.

These days you cannot be safe if you cannot afford to have such services to facilitate you, this is a perception at least, but not everybody thinks this way. We are all ordinary individuals and we do not fear some planned attacks on us, like our VIPs does fear about. However I do appreciate the existence of such businesses in today's world since the threat level has been increased dramatically.

In the end I would like to urge every government to take safety measures to protect lives of their innocent citizens, especially of those who cannot afford to have a private guard around them to protect them. Negligence or turning your head other side would not change the events, we as an individuals should start urging our respective governments to provide us with better, secure and prosperous environment. Enough is enough.... a lot has been said nothing concrete has been done (Not at every level but still needs improvement).


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